So l had a
stalker. Apparently for six months before he staged his big moment. The stalker
was someone I had known as a child. We played in the same neighborhood in
similar circles of friends. An odd series of events brought us back together
and we started dating casually. We dated for eight months casually and broke up.
The break up was not huge and dramatic it was mostly your standard fare. Six
months later and a few what the hell was that moments and I was pulling up at
my house in a panic at night watching police swarm my house and the debris that
was my garage and car.
And here is where all momentum to write this blog post
My stalker had
planned his grand moment during a time when he thought I was home with my son. Last
minute changes of plans and both my son and I were out of the house. He drove
through my closed garage door with his vehicle. Shoving my car out the back
wall of the house and across the yard. His plan was when I approached the car
he would cut his own throat and make me choose to use my medical training and
save him putting myself at risk of being stabbed or watch him die. All while
potentially my son watched. Prior to making his run at my home and implementing
his plan he taped a note to my door blaming me for whatever was going to happen
next. Thankfully no one but my dogs were home and his plan was not a complete
success. The police approached his car and he began stabbing himself in the
chest and legs over and over before cutting his own throat multiple times. He
fought the police. Tried to drive around for another run. Was tazed and dragged
out by his hair. By the time I returned home he was already at the local
hospital. My house and yard looked like a tornado had hit it. Blood was
spattered all over his car in my back yard. Huge divots and tires tracks
crisscrossed crazily through the yard. My house door was ripped off the frame
and shattered glass littered my home. Police seeking to protect had breached my
door and searched the house tracking shattered glass and twisted metal through
the house.
This was the
closest in my life I have some to snapping. I mean literally losing my shit,
starting to scream and not stop until the tranquilizers took effect. I remember after the initial reaction
seeing every moment as if I was watching it through a one way mirror in my
head. Tucked away in a safe place.. Removed and cold. It’s funny, even writing
this now I am getting shocky. I am suddenly cold and shaky. I have no attention
span and the urge to walk away. The urge is to stop and back off but now is the
time to finish this.
Slowly the
police finished their investigation. The totaled cars were towed off. One by
one the crowd drifted away. I sat alone on my couch in the dark staring at nothing
for hours. I had a concept of time passing but no motivation or will to move. Time
dripped slowly and the sun started to rise. I had a small panic attack about
what I was going to tell my son when I picked him up from my parents. He had
seen enough monsters in his short 6 years. I have no desire to add to it. Once
I calmed down again I dragged out the vacuum and started vacuuming up the
glass. Again I lost it when I got to my sons room. The mental image of heavy
black boots rushing into his room guns drawn expecting the worst terrorized me anew.
My dogs still traumatized and never more than six inches from me after all of
this provided some support as I sat down on the floor of his room and wept.
Slowly day by
day things started to become clearer. The job of putting things back to rights
again became a full time job. I stayed indoors to avoid people and watched the
steady passage of gawkers drive by as a local radio station had aired the
story. I took brief trips to the yard to start trying to gather my things that
had been blasted out of the house. Kind hearted neighbors walked slowly across
my destroyed lawn trying to offer support and usually leaving me in tears and
feeling ashamed. My stalker was released from the hospital and the mental
health ward and bailed out. A thin stapled packet of paper the only things
keeping him from coming back. For a long time afterward I slept armed. I had
multiple night terrors a night. When I wasn’t waking up coming to full fighting
mode I woke up and stood at the windows at night watching the street. I added
locks. Added Alarms. Devised simple systems to make me feel somewhat safer. I
gathered my son and all of our pets into my room at night and locked the
bedroom door. I planned escape routes. I
tried to make sense of it all. I survived an abusive marriage got out and this
was my first relationship after. He was supposed to be safe. He was someone I
knew from childhood and polar opposite to my ex-husband. Many of the people I
spoke to about what had happened made jokes that I just need to avoid dating, I
obviously can’t pick a good one, and there MUST be something wrong with me. All
of the under lying messages said My fault. My bad. I am the damaged one.
Something is wrong with me. It took a long time to turn that around. And I did.
I no longer see it that way.
Over time the night
terrors decreased. The hyper vigilance eased back. I began to thaw out and
become more present in my world. I won’t lie and say I was completely
recovered. I still have things that retrigger me. I have accepted that I will
probably always have that to a degree. Slowly with time my house became Home
again. It took nine months to get back to solid ground. But none of that is
really the point of this. It’s the back story.
The point of this is
Brad. My
stalkers name is Brad. He was a grade behind me in school. Whip smart,
sarcastic, artistic and introspective. He is the youngest of three children in
a blended home. He is an amazing musician.
We grew up playing king of the hill and flashlight tag. He worked for a
restaurant down the way from my work in high school. When I was younger I had
insomnia and would occasionally take walks during the full moon. Brad would
watch for me and walk with me to make sure I was safe. He was a good man. Which
is why I started dating him. Things didn’t work out and it ended. And something
in him broke. Something in him became very twisted and dark. I can’t imagine a
scenario where doing what he did..cutting yourself that much, is a positive
alternative to what he was feeling. I can only define that as a version of hell
I would never want to visit. That this was what he viewed as his only recourse
is chilling. I am chilled by the hatred and destruction that he brought to my
doorstep. With a single text sent as he started his attack that read “This is all your fault, My Love.” It turns my stomach to hear love twisted and warped so far to
become such hatred. For that I pity him.
Brad is human. Something
in him was so broken this seemed like a rational path for him. Something in
him decided that crashing through a house, stabbing himself over and over was preferable to living another day. That is hell. That is pain. And
horror. And terror turned inward. I pity
him and I forgive him. No we will never hang out and talk it out over a beer. No we are not cool. No I don't want anything to do with him in my life. Which
is why I am writing all of this here. Time
has made me able to see the man behind the monster. To make sense of the little boy I knew and what he changed into. I am closing the book on the man I knew as a child. I am saying
good bye to the childhood memories, and the modern ones both good and bad and
wishing him love and light in his life.
It’s time for closure.
You are a healer, people may be drawn to you because they want to be better. Thats not a fault, that is awesome. I know I was a little broken from how I grew up and you were my best friend for years. I am JUST NOW getting my shit own shit together. I can only say what doesn't kill us makes us stronger or buts us on MAOI inhibitors and sedatives...You are the healer, let us be your posse. You always have a crew to help you keep the darkness at bay.
ReplyDeleteI am honored to have you as a friend. thank you for this. I love you puma. :)
ReplyDeleteNot many people could come to these conclusions after something so horrific and terrifying. You are, indeed, amazing. Broken, like the rest of us, but amazing and caring. Not many would come to this place so quickly. Love you.