Saturday, December 12, 2015

BAMbulance Service: Coming to Your City Soon!

Ambulances are so yesteryear. They are all about saving you, but what about taking out your assailants? You can’t count on the cops or EMS for that. But you can call us. We come to any scary part of the city and our response time is hella fast.

Don’t get us wrong. We might be able to save you, but we pretty much only stock dirty knives, so it is pretty unlikely. We will, however, make sure to hunt down anyone who may have caused your ‘accident’ and cause an ‘accident’ of our own. If the hospital is on the way, we are totally cool with chucking you out the side. If you tip us well, we will even slow down…a bit.

Worried about the consequences? Don’t be. Our vehicles are designed to impale any evidence and carry it away with us.

Why call emergency services, when you can call mayhem services? 

Whateves. It is your funeral.

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