Ten ways to screw with stalkers
Pick an activity your stalker enjoys watching
you do. Monitor stalker and when attention is diverted (periodic
neighbor/police checks) swap places with your stand in. Its best to pick the
antithesis of you. ie if you are smaller and female, choose one of your hairy
giant trucker like friends to stand in and blow your stalker kisses.
Delivery blitz
While at leisure note your stalkers location
and order them pizza, singing telegrams, strippers, and maybe even flowers.
Note any relocation after previous deliveries.
Here is the perfect excuse to hone your ninja
skills. Use your stalker for target practice! Water balloons, Nerf guns, small caliber
weapons, or anvils. Double points for ACME-esque bulls eyes
Have a Jehovah witness reunion to go to? Tag
your stalker in! Aggression therapy? Built in volunteer. Be creative and enjoy
the show.
Maybe your stalker is lonely. Find the most
oblivious person in the bar and start sending them drinks and messages from
your stalker. Work in that your stalker is shy and really likes to take a passive
role in hook ups.
Binocular wars
Maybe your stalker doesn’t have the best
vision and needs to employ some help with binoculars. Find the strongest laser
pointer you can and pop up blinding your stalker. Think of it as laser tag for
your eyes. Double points if permanent vision damage is done
Hide and go seek
Take off on a nice stroll in the woods. You
know how stalkers like solitude with you. Once you are just out of sight on the
trail dash off and hide. When you spot your stalker take out your paint ball
gun with paint balls you have injected with mace and fire away. One kill shot
per ambush. Double points if you make them cry.
Find a location in clear view of your
stalker. Set up chair and take out sketch book. Periodically re position your
stalker for better artistic renderings. When art work is done post in prominent
window for one week.
Weekend at Bernie's
Start by shooting your stalker… with a
strong sedative. (Jesus.. Dark places, people!) While your stalker is knocked
out take them on a wild adventure. Dress them up in costumes, take lots of
pictures, have small surgeries performed and don’t forget the tattoos! Make
sure they wake up in the exact place you tagged them with a nicely made photo
I'd like to do these things to a few people.